Alter Ego Tropical De-lite Oil 堅果輕盈美髮噴油

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適合用於:乾旱 / 毛躁 / 枯黃及開叉頭髮

  • 蘊含多種天然成份:堅果油、椰子油、芒果籽油、乳木果油、熱情果、木瓜及菠蘿
  • 多種維他命、蛋白質、氨基酸、 OMEGA 9、AHA及微量原素具保濕及鎖濕功效,能保護頭髮中的水份
  • 能減少毛燥,令頭髮更有光澤及亮麗
  • 具抗曬及抵禦紫外線的功效
  • 其質感輕盈,用後更不會有油膩的感覺
  • 一年四季都合用

1. 可塗於半乾濕的頭髮上,不用沖洗
2. 在使用加熱美髮用具前使用

Arganikare Day Therapy believes in a simple and honest approach for a complete hair & body beauty regime in harmony with a healthy and eco-conscious lifestyle
Its invisible protecting action helps defend and protect hair during sun exposure.    

Use: Spray over hair as often as desired during sun exposure.


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