Concentrated Reinforcing Cream 髮絲表層鎖緊乳霜(pH4.5) 250ml


  • 含有蛋白油脂配方能平衡髮絲的酸鹼度
  • 修復皮質層及表皮層之間的油脂令皮質層中的角蛋白及水份不易再流失
  • 鎖緊表皮層的磷狀表面,令髮絲回復彈力及堅韌。


Concentrated Reinforcing cream pH4.5

  • Formula with a base of proteic-lipidic substances, an elevated cosmetic action and a balanced pH
  • Fully restores the lipidic cement creating cohesion between the cuticle and the cortex
  • It leaves the hair fibre compact, and its wrapping action seals the hair structure to reach extraordinary strength,body and vitality

Use: apply to damp hair, leave for 3 mins and rinse off well
