FAUVERT Travel Kit共有三套系列可供選擇,可以選擇整套或單件,滿足不同需要:剛染髮的可選巴西莓護色洗護系列,具有抗氧成份及即時修復染後受損的頭髮;頭髮比較乾或者會到氣候乾燥的國家則可選維他滋潤洗護系列,當中包括蘆薈保濕洗護套裝及有蜂蜜滋潤洗護套裝;OPTI MAN 男士系列中更有洗髮沖身二合一的洗髮及淋浴露、鬚後護理及定型啫喱。
There are 3 range in Fauvert Travel kit available: Color Range set suitable for hair after colouring service, it provides instant repair to damaged hair and anti-oxidant effect; Vita Hydro set suitable for dry and dull hair with aloe vera and beewax which provides deep nourishing effect; Finally, OPTI MAN kit which contains shampoo & shower gel, after shave cream and gel as well.
#fauvert #travelkit #hairproduct #hairdelight #旅行裝 #試用裝
$50.00 $60.00
Masque profondIntensive Conditioning Mask 50ml x 1pcVery rich texture. Nourishes and repairs in depth damaged...
$50.00 $60.00
Shampooing Riche Rich ShampooCleanses dry hair softly. Leaves hair supple and shinny. Nourishes and strengthens the hair...
$50.00 $60.00
Vita Hydro 4Moisturizing, re-vitalizing, detangling, shine.In a single application, the white phase moisturizes and re-vitalizes,The...
$50.00 $60.00
SHAMPOOING VITA-HYDRATANTVITA-MOISTURIZING SHAMPOOSoft cleansing with intense moisture. For supple and shinny hair.蘆薈保濕洗髮露溫和潔淨頭髮同時注入保濕因子,令頭髮更柔順及更有光澤。
$50.00 $60.00
巴西莓護色免沖修護乳 50ml頭髮即時更易梳理及更有光澤,抗UV配方,延綬髮色因氧化而褪色,消除毛躁並撫平開叉頭髮 Lait embellisseur- Coloured Hair Beautifying Milk 50mlInstant shine and de-tangling .Coloured hair protection with...
$50.00 $60.00
巴西莓護色護髮素 50ml針對因染後乾枯及難於梳理的頭髮,令染後頭髮柔軟及更有光澤,延緩染後髮色褪色。 Crème Color 50mlIts conditioning formula helps de-tangling coloured hair, making the hair very...
$50.00 $60.00
巴西莓護色洗髮露 50ml溫和潔淨配方,滋潤及強韌染後頭髮蘊含豐富的維他命E及抗UV配方,延綬髮色因氧化而褪色 Shampooing Color 50mlSoft cleansing. Nourishes and strengthens the hair fibre of coloured hair....
$50.00 $60.00
男士活力洗髮及淋浴露 50ml 適用於所有髮質,增加光澤及彈性,加入紅石榴精華,增加頭髮及皮膚的彈性. SHAMPOOING CORPS CHEVEUX AU GUARANA Shampoo & Shower Gel 50ml This Tonic and...
$50.00 $60.00
男士鬚後護理啫喱 50ml 蘊含維他命B5,可鎮靜剃鬚後易敏肌膚及舒緩剃鬚後的紅腫。CREME APRES RASAGE-GEL AFTER-SHAVE GEL 50ml Enriched with pro-vitamin B5, this gel will soothe...
$50.00 $60.00
GELFlexible and vey strong fixation gel Can be removed easily. Great shine. Its film-forming agents provide...